你可浏览 “目录 在线,将为您提供最新的课程和项目信息. 它还包括学生手册.
Visit http://www.wcc.t0039.cc/financial-aid 以了解更多有关WCC的经济援助.
- Go to: www.wcc.t0039.cc
- Click “MyWCC”
- 点击“注册”
- 输入用户名和密码,点击“登录”即可登录。 (if you do not know your user name and password, 点击“查询用户名并设置密码”
- 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
- 点击“我的学生资料”
- 点击“学生中心”
- 选择您想要注册的学期
- 点击“继续”
You can enter the 5 digit class number from the schedule of classes and click “enter.”
如欲查询公开课,请按“查询”键. 然后输入“课程科目”和“课程编号”.(例如, 如欲查询“eng111”,请在课程科目输入“ENG”, 和“111”为课程编号),然后点击“搜索”按钮
要按时间搜索,请单击“搜索”,然后单击“附加搜索条件”.在“会议时间”框中输入上课时间. 选择您想要的日期. 然后点击“搜索”.” Some classes (such as developmental classes) which meet for an extended time will not appear.
WCC使用WCC警报在发生重大危机或紧急情况时立即与您联系. WCC Alert delivers important emergency alerts, notifications and updates to you on all 你的设备(包括多个电子邮件帐户), cell phone, pager, 智能手机/掌上电脑)事故或紧急情况发生时, 授权的发件人将立即通知您使用WCC警报. WCC Alert is your personal connection school closings and to real-time updates during an emergency situation including instructions on where to go, what to do, 或者不应该做什么, 联系谁和其他重要信息.
要注册WCC警报,请点击: WCC Alert
- Go to: www.wcc.t0039.cc
- Click “MyWCC”
- 输入用户名和密码,点击“登录”即可登录。
- 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
- 点击“我的学生资料”
- 点击“注册”
- 点击“我的课程表”
- 选择术语
- 点击“继续”
- 要查看每周时间表,请点击“报名”下的“每周时间表”。
- Go to the “主页
- Click “MyWCC”
- 输入用户名和密码,点击“登录”即可登录。
- 点击“VCCS SIS:学生信息系统”
- 点击“我的学生资料”
- 点击“学生中心”
- 要查看应付金额,请点击“帐户查询”(在“财务”部分下)。
*If there is a message on the screen that states you do not have a tuition balance, 您可能需要更改您的用户首选项. 要做到这一点:
- 在自助服务界面,点击“校园个人资料”
- 然后点击“用户偏好设置”
- Select “博彩平台网址大全” from the drop down menu beside of Institution
- 点击“保存”
- 付款, click on “Go to QuikPAY” from the Student Center page and follow the directions on the page
Student photo IDs are acquired in the 学生服务 1Stop (located in Bland Hall--bottom floor).
12学分是最低的全日制课程负荷, 但是作为全日制学生,学生每学期最多可以修18个学分. 学生不需要全日制才能获得经济援助. 经济援助按比例发放给非全日制学生. 更多关于经济援助的信息,请访问他们的网站.
WCC目前通过我们的电子学习计划提供许多课程. Students are able to complete many course requirements for varying degrees and certificate programs online. 有些课程完全在线提供,有些则采用混合形式.
Yes! 主校区有辅导老师, as well as making arrangements for them to meet students at 十字路口研究所的WCC in Galax or 在亨德森的WCC in Marion. 请联系布丽吉特·普雷斯顿,电话是(276)223-4707或 bpreston@wcc.t0039.cc 安排与家庭教师的约会.
- 进入WCC主页 www.wcc.t0039.cc
- 点击MyWCC
- 点击Brainfuse的链接.
Hybrid classes are taught via a combination of online learning and traditional face-to-face learning. These classes offer students the opportunity to have in-person interaction with instructors and classmates along with the flexibility of online learning.
要了解更多中国博彩平台的转学学位课程,请访问 http://kbjsyb.t0039.cc/transfer-programs/. A Transfer Planner is available on the Virginia Education Wizard which will provide information on Transfer Agreements, Guaranteed 招生 Agreements and the appropriate steps to prepare for transfer. VCCS转移补助金的详细信息也包括在内.
Also, Transfer Virginia provides transparency and access throughout the college transfer process for Virginia state colleges and universities.
通过与弗吉尼亚社区学院系统的协议, students who graduate from WCC with a transfer degree and a minimum grade point average may obtain guaranteed 弗吉尼亚30多所学院和大学的录取通知书. 有关参与的学院和大学的名单,请访问 http://kbjsyb.t0039.cc/transfer-programs/.
Admission requirements are unique for each of 博彩平台网址大全’s Health Professions programs. 除了提交正式的大学入学申请, 您还必须在线完成 医疗专业申请, and 完成你计划学习的所有入学要求.
The program is available through a partnership with Southwest Virginia Community College. For more information on how to apply to these programs, please contact a WCC Advisor.
WCC encourages students to pursue their academic goals at whatever pace will allow them to excel, while at the same time balancing their education with work and personal responsibilities. 在大多数学位课程中,学生一学期可能只修一门课. However, 有一些项目, 比如健康专业项目, which require that students complete the degree in the time frame and semester sequence listed in the course catalog. Some “Guaranteed 招生 Transfer Agreements” to specific colleges require students to complete their transfer associate degree within two years.
It is strongly recommended that students meet with their faculty advisor about academic planning before registering for courses each semester. 在决定下一步选哪门课程时, it is important to read the course description in the back of the college catalog to see if the course has any prerequisites. 如果没有,那么按顺序上课通常是可以接受的.
社会科学选修课, Health/PE, 公众演讲, 人文学科是可以在任何学期学习的课程. However, be aware of the degree-specific courses listed under each semester of the degree program, 因为这些课程是由教师按这个顺序安排的. Therefore, 虽然可能没有特定课程的先决条件, it is often to the student’s advantage to take certain courses in the order listed. Some degree-specific courses are only offered in either the Fall or the Spring semester, 但不是两者都有.
- Go to: www.wcc.t0039.cc
- Click “MyWCC”
- 输入用户名及密码,按“登入”
- 点击“VCCS学生信息系统”
- 点击“学习成绩”
- 点击“查看非官方成绩单”
- Select the Academic Institution, then select “unofficial transcript” for report type
- 点击“去”
- Go to: www.wcc.t0039.cc
- Click “MyWCC”
- 点击“成绩单服务”
- Go to: www.wcc.t0039.cc
- Click “MyWCC”
- 输入用户名及密码,按“登入”
- 点击“VCCS学生信息系统”
- 点击“转学分”
- 点击“查看转帐信用报告”
If you had your transcript from your previous college sent to WCC and asked to have it evaluated for a particular curriculum, 转学分将列在这里.
*请注意,如果你改变你的课程, you will need to contact the 招生 Office to request that your transcript be re-evaluated for your new curriculum.
Accommodations provided through disability services are determined on an individual basis. 学生有责任自行转介接受残疾服务.
欲知更多有关残障人士服务的资讯,请浏览 残疾人服务 页面或联系方式:
Tim West
(276) 223-4102
Absolutely! WCC每年为学生提供各种博彩平台网址大全. WCC有许多学生俱乐部和组织供学生使用. 扶轮社及组织可由世界基督教协进会的学生、教师及职员共同成立. 点击这里查看俱乐部和组织的列表. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 凯伦·霍金斯,学生活动协调员,电话:(276)223-4758或电子邮件 khawkins@wcc.t0039.cc
The bookstore 位于布兰德大厦的上层. 你需要一份课程表来买书.
你可以提前到网上查询你的账簿和费用 http://www.bkstr.com/wythevilleccstore/home 然后点击“查找课程”."
不,在我们的任何校园都不需要停车许可证. You may park anywhere except for spots designated as disabled, reserved or visitor.
Go to the Ask WCC 呼叫在线咨询师.